Before we update Backstage and other ENN pages and tell you all about the latest Britney and Michael, Angelina's latest adoptions and the Anna Nicole aftermath the latest box office and which groups are re-uniting and which are not, let us tell you the latest about US!
First up, ENN2's Music, Rock, Liveonthenet, EBiz, Radio, Movies, Nitelife sites ( are all updated, finally!
Then, we have our very own hot eclectic and inspiring 24/7 Celebrate Radio station up with Positively Music, 4 other music streams, our own exclusive Positively Music compilation CDs with outstanding music and much more!
Don't miss our new Get 2 Music site, packed with curent and archived radio, sites for musicians, more music inks and podcasts!
And speaking of podcasts, we now have many of our own series to download and subscribe to including Celebrate Radio's and Reaching Up! and our Sixties On Bleecker Street podcast with more coming!